Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Process Notebook.

What? Tomorrow's Monday? and not... Saturday?! Is all I can say about the process notebook.
I spent a ridiculous time on it. Made, stupid, very stupid mistake that gave me extra hours to redo the same thing again. I bet if I were to redo everything right now, it would take just a few hours. Knowing that 90% of the book is done gave me such a relief. It's hard to say, this is the best I could do, because right now, just skimming to it, I feel like I could do so much more... I just wish I had more time, and oh... owning a MAC with all the software would be nice.
I could spend days with it on my bed, in the house, with the kitchen right next door.

Stupid Apple, why do you have to make things so expensive?! I blame the company.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009